Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Motivating and Engaging Self-Directed Learners
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
When priorities compete, how can we best support those who really want to enhance their skills and take ownership of their professional development?
This is the big question on the table during this Learning Rebels Coffee Chat.
Committed self-directed learners are hard to find and are becoming harder to motivate. What if organizations could teach their employees to be self-directed learners? How can organizations encourage and support continuous and collaborative learning?How can we:
Help them discover the need.
Help them to reinforce results.
Help them connect learning to their values.
Give them more control.
Answer the "so-what" question.
Challenge the brain more.
Download this list to judge if you are headed in the right direction. Originally created for academia, the concepts hold water in the corporate world.
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Host: Shannon Tipton
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Helping Managers Support Workplace Learning
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022
How do we get learning to stick like super glue when the managers have competing priorities?
This is the big question on the table for this week’s Learning Rebels Coffee Chat.
The reality is there are a bazillion things that stand between a learner and learning application – chief of which is their manager. How do get them to support the learning, and even more importantly, how do we get them to apply critical learning reinforcement efforts?
How can we empathize more with the managers balancing act of productivity versus team growth?
How do we get managers involved in the actual training?
How do we involve management in course design?
How can we help build a culture where management involvement is the norm rather than the exception?
Download these resources to help you with your conversations:
7 Tips to Activate Managers, LinkedIn Learning
The Biggest Myth in Building a Learning Culture:
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Host: Shannon Tipton
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
LSN Wednesday Storytelling – Shownotes
How to create stories that hook people emotionally and earn learner attention and engage their emotions so that training turns into action?
As L&D people we tell stories all the time, to explain to a participant how he might improve, or to inspire a reflection exercise, or to connect learning to life lessons.Storytelling is an essential skill, but what makes a compelling story in a business context? And how can you improve your ability to tell stories that persuade and teach?During this Learn Something New Wednesday, Sage Media discusses how to:
Avoid the pitfalls that commonly arise when crafting stories for learning, how to overcome the risks, and ultimately create your "happily-ever-after".
Develop your own powerful stories.
How to begin building and strengthening your creative storytelling talents.
Resources for this chat
Video Recording: https://vimeo.com/666128545/f2a48a4013Recording Transcript (check out first steps to take at the 20min mark): Click hereOther Sage Media resources:
The Core Premise WorksheetSage Academy: How Storytelling can Engage the Learner (sign-up for their newsletter!)
How to "storify" Learning Content: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-story-fy-learning-content-austin-welch/
What "Mad Men" Taught Me about Learning Design: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-mad-men-taught-me-learning-design-austin-welch/
Storytelling, Design Thinking and Emotion (interview): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwcnKzi4mDE
Extensive video blog with resources: http://sage.media/blog/
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You can have an opportunity to part of the live chat! Sign up here.
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Podcast Host: Shannon Tipton
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Ensuring Learning Stickiness
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Ensuring Sticky Learning
How can L&D better adjust for "after training" learning reinforcement? How can we level up ongoing learning support?
This is the big question on the table with today’s Learning Rebels Coffee Chat.
Organizational training budgets topped 82.5 BILLION. Billion, with a “B”. So why isn't training getting the job done? A recent Harvard Business Review Report points out that only 12% of learners say they apply the skills from the training they receive to their job. This the issue we are tackling today.
There were so many excellent tips and ideas. Some are fresh ideas and others are best practices reimagined. All very clever! Get your Coffee Chat video recording here: https://vimeo.com/646178536/edf72e9bd7Get your copy of the conversation from the chat hereDownload updated 7 Tips for Learning Reinforcement SheetJoin the conversation
You can have an opportunity to be part of the live chat! Sign up here.
Support the Learning Rebels Community
To contribute and be part of the community, join our Patreon Page here
Hire Learning Rebels
Visit the Learning Rebels website to learn more about how Learning Rebels can help you reimagine workplace learning.
Host: Shannon Tipton
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Using Neuroscience to Support Learning with Stella Collins
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
It's hard not to be confused around all the talk involving neuroscience, and how can you be sure what you are reading isn't Neuro-fairy dust rather than actual science? Enter Stella Collins. Her work with Stella Labs and co-founder of the Brain Ladies leads the way in developing effective learning led by innovative scientific insights.
Monday Oct 04, 2021
L&D‘s Role in Communicating Change
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Change. It’s hard.The word itself conjures up feelings of panic, frustration, and lots of deja vu. (How much change can one organization go through? SERIOUSLY?)
But going through organizational change is not a matter of "if" but "when".
Every organization must change over time – to adapt to its marketplace, to build on new ideas and technologies, and to adjust to changing circumstances. (COVID anyone?)
But one thing IS certain - many people are not comfortable with change.
Here the Coffee Chat community discusses what L&D's role is when communicating change.
Receive the worksheets mentioned here: https://mailchi.mp/learningrebels/time-sensitive-coffee-chat-in-one-hour-1uwe8glznm
Register for future coffee chat announcements here
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Learning Analytics with Trish Uhl
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Think Learning Analytics isn't for you? Think again, Trish Uhl walks us through connecting workplace learning to data.
A coffee chat about topics you care about!
Learning Rebels set out to create a community of cool people, talking about cool things, to inspire creativity and curiosity. To do so we didn't need to look further than our own virtual backyard.
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