Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Unlocking Organizational Knowledge
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
It all started with the BIG question on the table.
How can we keep up with the knowledge and gather the stories that are leaving the business every day?
There were a lot of ideas flowing in this chat. Everything from tools to processes. However, it all boils down to how we gather the knowledge and stories of people. People have a funny way of deciding how they want to tell and share their stories.
This means starting with the basics.
Seek first to understand!
As Douglas stated - where does the story start? Is there a pain point to connect with? People want to know that they, and by extension their stories, have value. How are we, as L&D people and representatives of the organization, representing ourselves?
Do the people feel they can trust us with their knowledge, that the stories will be told with the same passion shared?
Are we asking for stories and then doing nothing with them? I hope that you took away some ideas for how to gather information, the importance of continuous documentation, and how we can incentivize those who participate in the gathering process.
I hope one of you starts your own - Tradition, Trash or Try podcast! If you do, let me know.
Stay Curious ~ Shannon
View the full Coffee Chat Video here
View the Transcript here here
View chat messages here
Best Screencasting Sites: Loom and Vidyard
Internal Podcast Tools: StoryBoard and UStudio
HBR’s Why Employees Don’t Share Knowledge with Each Other by Marylène Gagné, Amy Wei Tian, Christine Soo, Bo Zhang, Khee Seng Benjamin Ho, and Katrina Hosszu
Becoming a Knowledge-Sharing Organization: A Handbook for Scaling Up Solutions through Knowledge Capturing and Sharing by Steffen Soulejman Janus
Mastering Organizational Knowledge Flow: How to Make Knowledge Sharing Work by Frank Leistner
Appreciative Sharing of Knowledge: Leveraging Knowledge Management for Strategic Change by Tojo Thatchenkery
StoryTraining: Selecting and Shaping Stories That Connect by Hadiya Nuriddin
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Hire Learning Rebels
When you need learning that sticks, we’ll fight to make performance results happen. Visit the Learning Rebels website to learn more
Host: Shannon Tipton
Podcast produced by: Obsidian Productions
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Bridging the Business Communication Gap
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
It all started with the BIG question on the table.
What strategies can L&D professionals employ to enhance cross-departmental communication and put us on a more even playing field with the business?
This was a hot conversation - I think we all had some latent feelings about how we want and need to communicate with the business.
I'll repeat this in case you missed it. Many times we focus on having a "seat at the table," which is great, but we're focused on the wrong table. We're focused on the leadership table when we should be focused on being accepted at the lunch table with the middle managers and team supervisors.
This means shifting the way we communicate. We used the phrase "wimpy language" and while that may seem harsh - it can be true. The language we use to communicate can either make us equals to those at the table or make us "less than." Which would you rather be?
I love that in the chat, everyone started reframing the "wimpy language" we use as L&D professionals. Words like collaboration, cooperation, and teambuilding, can trigger some serious PTSD for managers who have been part of well-meaning initiatives only to be a waste of time.
This means that we need to reframe conversations. I hope you found some great examples in the conversation. Be sure to check out the “Verbal Toolkit” mentioned by David.
Stay Curious ~ Shannon
View the full Coffee Chat Video here
View the Transcript here here
Verbal Toolkit: Here
The Power of Talk: Who Gets Heard and Why by Deborah Tannen
Deborah Tannen on Cross Cultural Communications at Work
How L&D Can Become a Trusted Business Advisor with Jess Almlie
Bridge the Gap: Breakthrough Communication Tools to Transform Work Relationships From Challenging to Collaborative by Jennifer Edwards and Katie McCleary
Successful Business Communication: Bridging the Gap by Deborah Luchuk
10 Skills for Effective Business Communication: Practical Strategies from the World's Greatest Leaders by Jessica Higgins
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Hire Learning Rebels
When you need learning that sticks, we’ll fight to make performance results happen. Visit the Learning Rebels website to learn more
Host: Shannon Tipton
Podcast produced by: Obsidian Productions
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Learning Rebels Solo - The Power of Conferences
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
It’s all so exciting!
In this Learning Rebels Solo, I wanted to focus my energy on diving into the power of attending conferences for professional growth. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your career, conferences can be a game-changer.
Whether you attend conferences virtually or IRL - Conferences offer a unique platform for L&D professionals to expand their knowledge, network with industry leaders, and gain exposure to new ideas and trends.
One of the primary benefits is not only the opportunity to learn from experts who share their insights, but to network and share stories from those who have been in the trenches with us. Not to mention that you can meet potential mentors and even future employers. The connections made at conferences can lead to new job opportunities, partnerships, and valuable industry connections.
And who doesn’t want that?
In this solocast, I shared 6 tips for you to act on, if you attended or are planning to attend an industry conference.
But IMO, the most important tip is to take action! Why go if you are going to sit on all the knowledge? Don’t be a knowledge hoarder!
Here is some additional information:
Original blog post: Here
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Hire Learning Rebels
When you need learning that sticks, we’ll fight to make performance results happen.Visit the Learning Rebels website to learn more
Host: Shannon Tipton
Podcast produced by: Obsidian Productions
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
The Essential Transition of L&D into Business Partners
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
It all started with a question: How can L&D become better business partners?
Let’s address the elephant in the room – in the business world today, Learning and Development (L&D) teams can’t just focus on creating cool learning programs. Our role within the workplace today goes way beyond that. Our role requires a skill that may not be familiar to many L&D professionals and could be a bit uncomfortable, being business partners.
Building business partnerships isn’t just a nice-to-have skill – it’s a must-have skill.
The conversation focused on these five points
Act like a business partner
Understand the connection between support and goals
Speak business, not learning
Practice the language of data
Create ambassadors
By becoming better business partners, we can ensure efforts are aligned with business goals, address real organizational challenges, and ultimately, significantly impact the company’s bottom line.
And who doesn’t want that?
This Coffee Chat will help you to set yourself up for success, and here are the resources to support you.
View the recorded Coffee Chat Video:
Review the transcript:
The Essential Transformation of L&D into Business Partners by Shannon Tipton
Manage Uncertainty with Commander’s Intent by Chad Storlie
The Power of Introverts
Book Recommendations
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain
Business Partnership Essentials: A Step-by-Step Action Plan for Succeeding in Business With a Partner by Dorene Lehavi
Learning and Development: From Cost Center to Business Partner by Zubin Rashid
Creating a Learning and Development Strategy: The HR Business Partner's Guide to Developing People by Andrew Mayo
Wednesday May 24, 2023
LR Solo - Why We All Need Coaching and Mentoring
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Wednesday May 24, 2023
It all started with a Coffee Chat.
We asked this question:
How can L&D maximize the value of working with a coach or mentor for their own professional growth and development, and what are some effective strategies for building a coaching or mentoring program that can be sustainable within an organization?
I felt this conversation was important enough to add some additional thoughts. As a refresher, here are some of the mentioned links.
This podcast calls back to this Learning Rebels Blog Post: Everyone Needs a Coach or Mentor
Additional reading:
Mentoring Best Practices
The Differences Between Coaching and Mentoring
The Odyssey’s Millennia-Old Model of Mentorship
Read these!
10 Steps to Successful Mentoring (10 Steps Series) by Wendy Axelrod
Mentoring Manual by Julie Starr
The Mentoring Guide: Helping Mentors and Mentees Succeed by Vineet Chopra, Valerie Vaughn, Sanjay Saint
Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts by Brene Brown
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Hire Learning Rebels
When you need learning that sticks, we’ll fight to make performance results happen.Visit the Learning Rebels website to learn more
Host: Shannon Tipton
Podcast produced by: Obsidian Productions
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Coaching and Mentoring Yourself and Others
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
It all started with the BIG question on the table.
How can L&D maximize the value of working with a coach or mentor for their own professional growth and development, and what are some effective strategies for building a coaching or mentoring program that can be sustainable within an organization?
This was an interesting conversation. When considering coaching and mentoring programs, we take many things for granted - we assume people know where to go and what to do.
Do we know the difference between coaching and mentoring?
What baggage can a potential mentee may bring to formal mentoring situations, and are mentors trained for that?
What about reverse mentoring in the workplace?
How good are WE at creating connections that may be potential mentors or coaches?
There was a lot to consider and absorb. One particular point of discussion was remembering that many people are assigned “coaching” as a punitive action. They’ve done something wrong, now they must be “coached”. Honestly, a perspective I had overlooked.
I hope you find other A-HA moments too!
View the full Coffee Chat Video here
View the Transcript here here
This chat calls back to this Learning Rebels Blog Post: Everyone Needs a Coach or Mentor
Additional reading:
Mentoring Best Practices
The Differences Between Coaching and Mentoring
The Odyssey’s Millennia-Old Model of Mentorship
Read these!
10 Steps to Successful Mentoring (10 Steps Series) by Wendy Axelrod
Mentoring Manual by Julie Starr
The Mentoring Guide: Helping Mentors and Mentees Succeed by Vineet Chopra, Valerie Vaughn, Sanjay Saint
Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts by Brene Brown
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Hire Learning Rebels
When you need learning that sticks, we’ll fight to make performance results happen.Visit the Learning Rebels website to learn more
Host: Shannon Tipton
Podcast produced by: Obsidian Productions
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Unexpected Discoveries: Encouraging Serendipitous Learning
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
It all started with the BIG question on the table.
How can we help create momentum around looking for and “seeing” the unexpected? How can we encourage employees to take the time and explore resources to see new topics for learning and discover new ideas outside their immediate job responsibilities?
This was a fun conversation with many ideas. I found that many of the ideas could also be applied to our Coffee Chat about Creative Debriefing.
Debriefing Video here
Debriefing Podcast Episode here
I like how the conversation included thoughts about our responsibility as L&D people. How are we embracing serendipity? Are we present and aware? If we aren't exploring the environment around us, how can we expect others to do the same?
Here are some quick ideas to encourage exploration:
Let go of control and allow people to explore. This means deviating from the script.
Put up guardrails to help the thinking process. Provide learners with themes to search and discover.
Help to connect discovery to application. Ask deeper questions.
Learn how to uncover stories and then to how to share them. Share this knowledge with participants.
Help participants connect to their surroundings. Promote observational skills.
But it all begins with trust. Sharing unexpected moments requires that the participants trust us with their thoughts and ideas. If we haven't bridged the trust issue, engaging and encouraging deeper learning will be hard.
Get chat video recording here
Get your copy of the chat message box here
Get the transcript here
Download these!
New Conceptualizations of Practice: Common Principles in Three Paradigms Suggest New Concepts for Training - Schmidt, R. A., & Bjork, R. A. (1992)
5 Questions to Help You Explore Serendipity
Read these!
The Serendipity Mindset: The Art and Science of Creating Good Luck by Christian Busch
Think Again by Adam Grant
Through the Lens of Serendipity: Helping Others Discover the Best in Themselves--Even if Life has Shown Them Its Worst by Allyson Apsey
Serendipitous Discoveries from the Bookshelf by Alexander Atkins
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Hire Learning Rebels
When you need learning that sticks, we’ll fight to make performance results happen.Visit the Learning Rebels website to learn more
Host: Shannon Tipton
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Learning Rebels in 15: Debunking Learning Myths
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Your weekly double shot is “Debunking Learning Myths: What is Our Responsibility?”
You can find the full live video conversation here.
Find the full podcast here
It all started with the question: How does Learning and Development (L&D) handle learning myths? Not about how to bust them but how to address them when they appear in the wild. When a colleague or manager states a myth as truth - now what? How can we handle this with grace and patience? Without making others feel inferior or stupid?
In this Learning Rebels in 15 we are hearing from:
Bob E.
Evelien V.
Maureen F.
Renee M.
John W.
Erica B.
As they discuss these main points:
Point #1: Understand that people don’t know what they don’t know. That goes for L&D professionals too.
Point #2: It’s tough to let go of sacred cows. We have to have conversations with grace, patience, and science!
Point #3: Experience can misinform. Just because we’ve done a thing, doesn’t mean we’ve done the thing correctly.
Point #4: Always start with data and research.
Point #5: Sometimes good design is the solution.
I’ll leave you with this thought:
Handling learning myths can be tricky and must be handled with care and sensitivity. Being condescending, patronizing, or just plain rude and mean doesn't get the results we need - it doesn't move the needle. What does move the needle is knowing our audience. Where are they in their career? Are they SMEs turned trainers? Are they new to the industry? Do they work alone and depend on tribal knowledge?
Remember the words from the great Stephen Covey, “Seek for to Understand”. This is the only way to affect change.
Stay curious & take over the world!
View the original video recording here
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Hire Learning Rebels
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Host: Shannon Tipton
A coffee chat about topics you care about!
Learning Rebels set out to create a community of cool people, talking about cool things, to inspire creativity and curiosity. To do so we didn't need to look further than our own virtual backyard.
This is the place to be if you're looking to be inspired by seriously off-the-wall and unexpected discussions, around the L&D community.
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